
I have had issues with regular bowl movements since I was little. I am finding out as I get older that there are more and more people out there that are having the same problems. I have tried a lot of different products and have had symptoms from severe cramps to diarreha with them. This product was the first one that I came across that has been gentle on my stomach and has not caused cramps. I use it once a day everyday and have seen wonderful results from it. 



– Promotes regular colon function

– Supports healthy liver and gallbladder function

– Safe and gentle

– Cleanses toxins from the colon

– Balances Colon pH level



 What is Regular? 

 The colon is a vital part of the digestive system for cleansing and detoxifying your body. Regular helps keep your colon clean and your system running regularly. Regular is a naturally based supplement that gently supports normal colon function and ensures daily removal of toxins and waste material that make you feel bloated and sluggish.


You can find out more information about this product at

Advanced Formula Fat Fighters

I use the fat fighters for my biggest meal of the day. I love how these help me lose my weight and become healthier. With the diet and exercise that I do these just help boost everything that I am already doing.

Fat Fighters:

-Blocks some of the fat and carbs from meals

– Help balance blood glucose level and reduce cravings

-Designed to be taken up to an hour after meals

– Cactus-based formula

– Does not contain Shellfish


FAQ Fat Fighters

How does the fat fighter work?

Fat Fighters active ingredient, NeOpuntia is derived from the prickly pear cactus, and it is the most powerful, gluten-free, kosher, and vegetarian fat-binding ingredient on the market today. Its natural fibers have lipopholic properties, binding to the fat from your foods in the stomach. As a result, some of the fat from your foods is not abosorbed by the body , but rather excreted from your system naturally.


Fat Fighter also contains phaseolamin, a white kidney bean extract that acts as a carb inhibitor. The white kidney bean extract paralyzes the enzyme in your stomach that turns the startch from carbs into sugar during the digestive process. This prevents the body from absorbing some of those carbohydrates, and they are excreted naturally. 

Can I take Fat Fighter Every Day?

Yes. Fat Fighter is a vegetable-based product that is safe for daily use. We recommened you take one to two tablets 15 minutes to one hour after eating your two largest meals of the day or after snacks with high fat content.


Can I take Fat Fighter with other supplements or medications?

Because of its binding properties, Fat Fighters should not be taken at the same time as other supplements or medications. Allow one to two hours to pass between taking Fat Fighters and using other supplements and medications.  


For more information on this product you can go to


My entire family takes the greens on a daily basis. They give you 8+ servngs of fruits and veggies in just one serving. I love that they come in to go packets which makes it eaiser for my hubby who is an over the road truck driver to take with him. He just opens up his water bottle poors them in and drinks it up.  


The Greens come in two flavors Orange and Berry. They:

– Detoxify, alkalize, and promote pH balance within the body

– Acidity-Fighting magnesium and potassium blend

– Cutting-edge probiotic support for digestive health

-38 herbs and nutrient rich superfoods

– Free readical- fighting antioxidants

– Sweet Berry or Tart Orange flavors

– Help provide energy


What are greens?

Greens is an energizing, detoxifying, and alkalizing blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods that provides vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes you need for your best health. The nutrients found in Greens are at their highest naturally occuring, bioactive, bioavailable form to ensure maximum absorption by your body.

The natural blend of ingredients in Greens, including an acid fighting combination of magnesium and potassium, is designed to alkalize the body and restore pH balance. With restored alkalinity, your body experiences improved immune system health and increased energy. A cutting edge probiotic helps you maintain that healthy balance by keeping your digestive system regular and toxins flowing out.

Raw fruits and vegetables are the best foods for combating acidity and restoring alkalinity in the body. Greens gives you the nutrients f 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop!


You can find out more about this product at

Pro Fit

I am going to share more information about the products that I use as tools to help with my weight loss and put me on a healthier track of life. Please keep in mind that the information I am sharing is what works for me and it may not work the same way for everyone. These are my personal results, opinons and thoughts on the products. The information that I share on each product is coming directly from the company.


I meantioned in my last post that I was using Pro Fit as my protien powder. I have used many different brands of protein powder over the years. From Beach Body to Carnavor. I have always used whey protien as I am not trying to put weight on or bulk up real big. I am just trying to lose weight and become toned and healthier.

I have found that the Pro Fit is what works best for me. It has less carbs in it then most and it has 14 gms of protien in it. Your body can only absorb approximately 14 grams of protein at one time, so this product was exactly what I was looking for. I found that the other ones had more sugar, sodium or carbs in them. They were chalky and thick and I found it hard to drink them. Pro FIt is not like that, its smooth and tastes great. 

The Pro Fit has Sustain- It which is a smarter Protein blend for maximum bioavailability in every gram.

FITztme- Which is a cutting edge blend of enzymes, that helps maximize your bodys ability to absorb the Sustain- IT

Fit boost- which is an antioxidant blend of mood-elevating superfoods for immune system health.

Non-hormonal and non-GMO whey and soy proteins

Natural, whole food ingredients with only 100 calories per serving.



What makes Ultimate ProFit better than other “protein” products on the market?

Ultimate ProFit is not just a protein; its a superfood nutrition product that gives you total body benefits that can improve your health and your waistline.

The Sustain-It blend not only contains a superior protein blend, it also promotes optimum digestive health through its blend of seven different soluble and insoluble fibers.

Fitzyme a cutting-edge blend of enzymes, helps maximize your bodys ability to absorb Sustain-It. ( After all waht good is a load of protein if your body wont absorb it?) Fitzyme ensures that your body is able to absorb and utilize the maximum benefits from every gram of protein. 


Why does Ultimate ProFit only have 14 grams of protein?

In short the protein in Ultimate ProFit has been formulated to ensure that your body receives the maximum benefits from each gram of protein. While some protein products have high amounts pf protein, more protein does not necessarily mean greater results. Your body can only abosrb and use so much protein at a time. 


You can find out more information about Ultimate Profit @


I wont use another form of protein powder again, This tool has helped me become healthier and feel better. 




Day 8 of being back on track

Today is day 8 of being back on track, and I have to tell you I feel fantastic! I have energy and am starting to feel like myself again. I have dropped around 5 lbs of the 20 that I gained back. I am working out 3 times a week and wrapping every 72 hours. I am back on my supplements and protien powder, have to say its great!!!

It was a little hard getting back on track but it is totally worth it. I have never been a person to eat breakfast, but I know how important it is for your body. So I have started doing protein shakes for breakfast. Using the Pro Fit protien powder in vanilla flavor, mix them with some fruit and greens and I am good to go for the morning. It gives me the energy to get my work outs in and get through my days. I love the way that they taste and how filling they are.  I have posted the recipe that I use for it to this post. Feel free to share it and use it :).


I hope that you are all doing well on your journey and I am here if you have any questions.




The end of my 90 Day Challenge

I started a 90 day challenge about 95 days ago. The first 65 days were fantastic. I lost 42 lbs and was feeling great about it! Then I got sick 😦 I dont get sick very often but when I do it really lays me out for weeks on end. In the last 25 days of my challenge I wasnt able to work out and I was eating what sounded good. Totally not the foods I needed to be eating. I ended up gaining back about 20 of the 42 that I had lost. Completely broke my heart and depressed me. As I have struggled with my weight since I was 16, any time I gain weight back I go in this downward spiral. I dont want to try any more and I just about give up. That lasted about another 5 days after my challenge was up and brings us to today.


 I woke up this morning and decided it was time to get back on the wagon. Yes I fell off and yes I was off track for a few weeks, but I have come to realize that is ok. So I fall off dust myself off and get right back to it. Here in a few minutes I will be off to get my 30 minute cardio work out in and I have already started out the day with a protein shake, a scoop of Zeal and a wrap! Great way to get back on that wagon.


I hope that all of you are doing well, and are still on your journey to getting healthier and living  a fulfilling life! Remember that if you fall off the wagon its ok to stay their for a little while as long as you dust your self off and get back to it again!


Much love and wishes of success for you all!



6 months of hard work

I have been working on getting healthier for the last 6 months. It has been such a long hard road with the medical conditions that I have. I have tried everything that you can think of to get the weight off from diets to work outs to weight loss pills… etc. 


I finally found the perfect combination for me that gives my body everything that it needs to get back on track and lose this weight. Love the fact that now I am healthier and living a happier life. I enjoy going out with my husband and doing things together which is something that we have not done in years. I did not want anyone to see me let alone have the energy to do the things he wanted to do. Its been such an amazing thing to learn to love life and do things with him again!!!


The photo that is attached shows what I looked like in December of 2012 which is the picture on the left to what I looked like in May of 2013. 50 lbs lighter and I love it!!




Thermo Fit and Fat Fighters

I have been taking the Thermo Fit and Fat Fighters from It works. A company that I am a distributor for, for almost two weeks now. I dont like to share information on anything until I have been on it and have seen how it works for me.


Anyways I love these products!! They have helped me get over my slump and start losing weight again. They are a tool that I am losing to help me get rid of the 110lbs that I still have to lose. I am down 48 lbs from when I started this journey, and I love it!!! Its not easy at all. I work out 3 times a week, watch what I eat and use the tools that are given to me to get to where I am healthy and happy again. I know that with my body I cant do this on my own. I have tried to do it with just eating right and exercising, but with the health issues that I have I ended up only losing 20 lbs on my own and then got stuck for a couple of months. That is what prompted me to start using the Thermo Fit and Fat fighters. It may  not work for everyone the way that it is working for me. But I had one of my customers send me this today :


Thank you,Tabitha for telling me about this system I ordered the Therermofit and the Fatfighter and I got my shipment on Friday and here it is Wednesday and I am already down 4 lbs. I am so excited to see what more this stuff is going to do for me. Everone schould give this a try. Ladies what are you waiting for call Tabitha now and change how you look and how you feel.


It is such a great feeling to know that not only am I helping my self get healthier and feel better I am also able to help others feel better and get healthy. I am here to help you on your weight loss journey. All you have to do is ask 🙂


Thank you


PCOS and ZEAL For Life



 I have PCOS. I have suffered from it since I was 15 years old. It is a disease which messes with your hormones, insulin and weight, and can cause cysts in your ovaries and make you infertile. Not something that any woman wants. I have tried so many different supplements to try and get this under control as there are no cures for PCOS. I was able to find some things that worked but were not allowing me to live my life. It was like putting a band aid on a broken bone. 

 With that being said I finally found something that works for me. I have started taking Zeal for Life Wellness drink which is 6 ounces of juice and one scoop of the Zeal wellness powder. You mix it up and you are good to go for the day. I started this 2 months ago. With in that two months, my hormone levels are back to normal, the doctors are telling my husband and I to start trying for a baby, and I have lost 48lbs. Thats a lot in two months. 

I love this product so much that I am now telling everyone about it and selling this product. I am not selling it for the money. I could give this product away for free and would not think twice about it if I could afford it. It is absolutely amazing!!! I feel so much better than I ever have!!


If you want more information on this product and how it is helping so many people from so many different walks of life please get in contact with me. I would love to speak with you and share the success stories that are happening all around us.


God Bless,


30 Day Squat Challenge

30 Day Squat Challenge

Started this the 1st of May 2013! Talk about making your legs hurt!! I look forward to seeing the results at the end of the month! Work hard and stay committed!! The payoff at the end is ALWAYS worth it!!!